You serve successful clients, many of whom are business owners and also some who may have an interest in business ownership.
When you have clients who would consider selling their businesses or would like to strategically plan a future sale (Exit Planning) , or clients who are interested in acquiring a business, consider referring them to the professional business intermediary services of my company. My 30 years of experience brings expert knowledge and most importantly, the ability to earn the trust of both business sellers and buyers. I will guide them through the complex process resulting in a successful transaction.
As a Certified Business Intermediary, I recognize the importance of a team approach of professional alliances for the best interest of our clients. I am experienced at moving transactions forward, working with financial and legal advisors and financial institutions to ensure the process is efficient and timely, producing a win-win business transaction for both business owners and buyers.
My experience and excellent reputation in the industry assures you that you are entrusting your clients to the right hands. In addition, I am often in a position to refer my clients to financial and legal professionals for representation in their business transactions. I have a network in place and invite the opportunity to discuss your participation.
I welcome the opportunity to meet and further discuss my Business Intermediary and Exit Planning Advisory Services. (Contact David)